A devastating loss for rowing enthusiasts worldwide.

On Monday, June 22, 2020, 3x Paralympian and Maritime Veteran Angela Madsen, who planned to be the first paraplegic and eldest woman to row the Pacific Ocean, was reported dead by the Coast Guard at 11pm PST.


A Passion For Fitness & Rowing

As someone keen on sports, I’ve developed an obsession with rowing and examining its effects on the body.


It’s a widespread myth that just the arms perform whilst rowing. In fact, it’s a full-body exercise that uses 86% of the muscles in the body.

A workout plan that involves cardio equipment or aerobic training is a significant contributor to your physical wellbeing, no matter what your age is. Losing weight, improved mobility, and a better immune system are some of the positives of daily aerobic exercise. A weight lifting program for rowers also has many benefits.

Endorphins produced when you work out will even help boost the consistency of your mood and sleep. A rowing machine is an easy way to boost the heart rate and maximize the oxygen consumption for a successful aerobic exercise since it involves the usage of too many major muscle groups. There are almost too many benefits of using a rowing machine to list.

On certain rowers, the dynamic resistance allows you to quickly work up to your goal heart rate and slow it down to your resting rate.